Sheldon, Dyan

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One or two things I learned about love

Feeling despair over her romantic prospects after disappointing dates, Hildy becomes infatuated with a boy who has an irresistible smile during a summer that proves to be more complicated than expected when he turns cloyingly possessive.

The moon dragons

When a king discovers that there are still singing moon dragons high up on the mountainside, he offers a room full of gold to anyone who can bring one to him. The beautiful dancing dragons only reveal themselves to Alina, a young peasant girl, but she preserves the secret of their whereabouts, knowing that there are some things far more precious than a room full of gold.

The truth about my success

"What happens when a bratty teenage star and a hardworking waitress get a taste of each other's worlds?"--OCLC.

You can never go home again

Angel thinks things could not get much worse. Her parents have split up, her mom has moved them into a rundown cottage, her friends have deserted her, and now there's a biker ghost living in her bedroom.

El canto de las ballenas

Enthralled by her grandmother's story of seeing and hearing whales singing in the sea long ago, Lilly hopes to see them herself and to hear their mysterious songs.

I forgot

Though he always seems to forget something that he's supposed to do, Jake surprises his mother by remembering something really important.

My life as a whale

Michael Housholder is an average guy who wants to remain single and be left alone to preserve this state at all costs.

The whales' song

Lilly's grandmother tells her a story about the whales that used to swim through the ocean, inspiring Lilly to offer the whales a gift in the hopes they will sing for her in return. Text presented in English and Arabic.

Love, your bear Pete

Although she misses her stuffed bear after he is left behind on the bus, a young girl enjoys the postcards he sends her from all the faraway places he visits.

Confessions of a teenage drama queen

In her first year at a suburban New Jersey high school, Mary Elizabeth Cep, who now calls herself "Lola, " sets her sights on the lead in the annual drama production, and finds herself in conflict with the most popular girl in school.


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