language arts

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language arts

Using graphic novels in the English language arts classroom

"Draws on cutting-edge research, surveys and classroom observations to provide a set of effective methods for teaching with graphic novels in the secondary English classroom. These methods can be applied to a broad base of uses ranging from understanding literary criticism, critical reading, multimodal composition, to learning literary devices like foreshadowing and irony. The book begins by looking at what English teachers hope to achieve in the classroom. It then considers the affordances and constraints of using graphic novels to achieve these specific goals, using some of the most successful graphic novels as examples, including Maus, Persepolis, The Nameless City, and American Born Chinese, and series such as Manga Shakespeare. Finally, it helps the teacher navigate through the planning process to figure out how to best use graphic novels in their own classroom. Drawing on their extensive teaching experience, the authors offer examples from real classrooms, suggested lesson plans, and a list of teachable graphic novels organized by purpose of teaching. Additional online resources link to a regularly updated list of graphic novels suitable for different pedagogical goals and downloadable lesson plans"--.

Narrative paragraphs

Photographs and information related to the lives of folk heroes help students learn how to write interesting and effective narrative paragraphs, with activities, charts, and vocabulary exercises designed to help students master every step of the paragraph-writing process. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

Descriptive paragraphs

Offers a brief introduction to writing descriptive paragraphs, with tips on using adjectives and other parts of speech to describe persons, places, or things. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

Expository paragraphs

Pictures and easy-to-follow text help students write interesting and effective expository paragraphs about NativeAmerican art and culture, with an overview of each step in the paragraph-writing process as well as activities, charts, and vocabulary exercises. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

Persuasive paragraphs

Uses information and pictures related to American immigrants and settlers to help children learn how to write interesting and effective persuasive paragraphs, with activities, charts, and vocabulary exercises offering more information on the paragraph writing process. Includes audio, videos, activities, weblinks, slideshows, transparencies, maps, quizzes, and supplementary resources.

Reading and writing sourcebook

Readings, activities, and writing prompts help students in grade nine learn about the use of language.

How to write a comic book

Discover ways of brainstorming ideas for a comic book story, how to outline a plot using a three-act organizational structure, how to incorporate dialogue and descriptions, and how to write clear and detailed instructions for an artist to draw the accompanying illustrations.

The teacher's big book of graphic organizers

100 reproducible organizers that help kids with reading, writing, and the content areas
Contains one hundred reproducible graphic organizers that are designed to help develop the reading, writing, and content areas skills of fifth- through twelfth-grade students and promote active learning.

Barron's ACT English, reading, and writing workbook

Provides study tools for preparing to take the English reading and writing portion of the ACT, including full-length assessment and practice tests with answers, drills, exercises, test-taking strategies, practice questions, and subject reviews.
Cover image of Barron's ACT English, reading, and writing workbook


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