business communication

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business communication

Tweeting with a purpose

This book offers young people ways to amplify their voices and build community via this dynamic tool, while staying focused and safe.
Cover image of Tweeting with a purpose

So what?

how to communicate what really matters to your audience
Cover image of So what?

The storyteller's secret

from TED speakers to business legends, why some ideas catch on and others don't
Internationally bestselling author Carmine Gallo reveals the secrets to telling powerful, inspiring, and game-changing stories that will help you achieve any goal.

Communicate with confidence!

how to say it right the first time and every time
Offers advice on improving business communication skills in order to enhance one's career standing.

Speak up, show up, and stand out

the 9 communication rules you need to succeed
This lean and effective guide isn t just about choosing the right words; it's a whole new way of communicating to achieve unparalleled success. It offers the tools and skills readers need to build influence, deliver results, and significantly increase their communication effectiveness.

The Tao of Twitter

changing your life and business 140 characters at a time
Offers a guide to twitter success. Through real-life examples and easy-to-follow steps, this book teaches you: secrets to building influence on Twitter; the formula behind every Twitter business success; 22 ways to build an audience who wants to connect with you; and content strategies, time savers, and useful tips.

Power reading

a dynamic system for mastering all your business reading
A research-based system that combines a unique set of mental skills to help you to read faster and smarter. Designed specifically for business people, it can be applied to all types of business reading.


"Students interested in communication technology learn what it takes to become young entrepreneurs in the industry. Successful inventors of apps and social media sites are spotlighted, and instructions are given to jumpstart ideas and business plans. Questions throughout the book challenge critical thinking"--Provided by publisher.

Talking from 9 to 5

how women's and men's conversational styles affect who gets heard, who gets credit, and what gets done at work
Examines how communication in the workplace affects how we are regarded and rewarded.


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