Kropp, Paul

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a novel
Nikki, sentenced to work as a volunteer at the hospital after being caught spray-painting the building, gets involved with the patients in the children's ward--especially seventeen-year-old Austin who lost the use of his legs in a motorcycle accident, and begins to see the folly of following the gang.

Student narc

a novel
After Kevin's best friend dies from a drug overdose, he decides to start working with the police, which leads him to take on an entire drug gang and their leader, the "Candyman.".


a novel
After seeking a better life outside the refugee camps in Cambodia, Tranh tries to start a new life at his new school in Canada, but when Martin Beamis starts bullying him, Tranh wonders how better off he really is.

One crazy night

a novel
Gas station clerk Todd has a crazy night when a storm hits and he is stuck at work with a punk, a pregnant woman, a muscleman, and a ruthless old woman.

Caught in the blizzard

a novel
Sam, an Innu whose family values tradition, has never been friends with Connor, a boy who thinks it is fun to chase down animals on his snowmobile, but when they get caught in the wilderness together during a blizzard, Sam and Connor must find a way to work together.


a novel
Russ learns lessons about life while staying in a harsh juvenile detention center.


Ryan, living with his mom in a motel room, thinks things are really going to change when his mom wins over a million dollars in the lottery, but his mom's trusting nature and inability to say no nearly leads to disaster.

Three feet under

a novel
Scott and Rico are excited to have found a treasure map that points to 250,000 dollars hidden in Bolton's mine, but when the school bully steals the map, Scott and Rico race to get to the treasure first.

The crash

a novel
Craig, Rory, and Lerch find themselves in a life threatening situation when they are in a school bus that crashes, leaving the driver and another passenger injured.

Shooting the rapids

a novel
Two brothers, trying to get back to town after their father is hurt while canoeing, get lost in the wilderness and have to rely on each other to survive.


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