
Topical Term

Staying active

"Introduces the importance of staying active to young readers through leveled text and related photos"--Provided by publisher.

Eating healthy

"Introduces the benefits of eating healthy to young readers through leveled text and related photos"--Provided by publisher.

Zombies shouldn't exercise after midnight

In humorous, rhyming text offers advice to zombies (and non-zombies) about how exercising improves physical and mental health.

Zombies shouldn't brush their teeth with rocks

In humorous, rhyming text, the young reader learns all about the bad hygiene habits of zombies.

Zombies shouldn't eat brains for breakfast

In humorous, rhyming text, the young reader learns all about the bad eating habits of zombies (and a few good eating habits for non-zombies).

Performance psychology

Performance psychologists work with actors, musicians, athletes, public speakers, and others who need their natural talent to shine when they get in front of a crowd. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for helping performers make full use of their talent, and performance psychologists work closely with clients to create treatment plans that push them to the top of their game. Using therapeutic techniques like meditation, visualization, imagery, cognitive behavioral therapy, and more, performance psychologists can help performers who experience anxiety, fear of failure, and other issues that can hold them back from maximizing their potential.

Clinical psychology

This book is an informative must-read for anyone who might seek psychotherapy, students who who are interested in becoming clinical psychologists, or even people who simply want to learn how the mind works. Ever since humanistic psychologists rebelled against Sigmund Freud?s theories, so many intriguing schools of thought have sprung up in the field of clinical psychology. Modern methods, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and family systems therapy, are brief and goal-focused. Positive psychology itself branched out in many directions. Abraham Maslow?s hierarchy of human needs and transpersonal psychology stress self-actualization and peak experiences. Strength-based therapy and goal-focused positive psychotherapy help people optimize their lives. Narrative CBT teaches people to narrate their life stories in new, improved ways. Coherence therapy and rational emotive behavior therapy delve into hidden layers of the mind where problems arise. Acceptance and commitment therapy and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy train people to stay in the present moment with meditation practice and awareness exercises. And metacognitive therapy, though fairly new, shows intriguing success in helping people overcome depression. This book is a bite-sized smorgasbord of what?s happening in clinical psychology, giving just a taste of each method to help people choose which areas to further explore.

School psychology

School psychologists are unsung heroes who help children access special education services, overcome trauma, learn how to cope with mental disabilities, develop strong self-esteem, and discover what they want to do when they grow up. They foster tolerance, compassion, and resilience in the classroom, showing students the beauty of a world where everyone is accepted and loved for who they are. School Psychology offers a glimpse into how these dedicated individuals learn their trade, get a license, and use their skills to make life better for tens of millions of students, educators, and parents. School Psychology is part of the Psychology in Action series. These eleven books offer an amazing insight into how the human mind works, why we love certain things and hate others, and how we can become the best versions of ourselves. It?s a must-read for anyone who wants to study psychology as a profession, but it is sure to interest those who aren?t aspiring psychologists but who do want to cultivate good habits, learn how to make smart decisions, find ways to get along better with their peers, and enjoy the many benefits of living an ethical, compassionate life.

Rehabilitation psychology

Disabilities come in many varieties, both visible and hidden. Losing a limb or eyesight is life-changing. Disabilities can take the form of physical impairment such as these or they can take the form of hidden difficulties such as mental health issues, limited mental capacity, addiction, and homelessness. Even being newly released from prison can pose challenges to living a productive and full life. These things present both physical and psychological challenges. It is the task of a rehabilitation psychologist to help those with disabilities and their families get to a place where the disabled person can experience the greatest quality of life possible. This can include things like counseling, helping make school and workplaces more accessible, and helping a person get the equipment they need to function on a daily basis. Learn what all a rehabilitation psychologist does and how you can pursue this as a career.


"This photo-illustrated book for beginning readers introduces the grain food group and discusses its place in a balanced diet. Includes picture glossary and index."--.


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