
Topical Term

Chicken soup for the soul

101 stories about self-care and balance
"Do you ever say that you'll take care of yourself after you finish your to-do list? The personal, revealing stories in this book will convince you to put yourself at the top of that list. Self-care and life balance are what we all neglect most. These 101 true stories will show you how to take care of your physical and mental health. You'll be inspired by other people who have taken back control of their lives and carved out that all-important "me time"--.

What you need to know about health insurance

This volume explains exactly what health insurance does for people, and the types of health care plans, including private, group, and government plans, and their similarities and differences.

Wellness culture

"Anthology of diverse viewpoints exploring how lifestyle, business, and health intersect to create today's wellness culture"--.

Germy science

the sick truth about getting sick (and staying healthy)
". . . exploration of the science and history of germs . . ."--BTCat.

Strong in the broken places

[a memoir of addiction and redemption through wellness]
"Quentin Vennie shouldn't be alive. He has walked a path that many don't live long enough to write about. Growing up in Baltimore, he was surrounded by nothing but dead ends. Statistics mapped out his future, and he grew hostile toward a world that viewed him with suspicion and disdain. He's been shot at, sold drugs up and down the East Coast, lingered on the brink of incarceration, and stared down death more than once. Haunted by feelings of abandonment and resentment, he struggled with chronic anxiety and depression and battled a crippling prescription drug addiction. The day he contemplated taking his life was the day he rediscovered his purpose for living. Vennie's survival depended upon his finding a new path, but he didn't know where to turn. His doctor was concerned only with prescribing more medication. Vennie refused, and in a desperate attempt to save his own life, decided to pursue a journey of natural healing. After researching a few self-healing methods, he immediately bought a juicer from an all-night grocery store. He started juicing in the hopes that it would help him repair his body and clear his mind. He jumped headfirst into the world of wellness and started incorporating yoga and meditation into his life. This 'wellness trinity' helped him cut back on and then quit the many medications he was on, overcome his addictions, and ultimately, transform his life while inspiring others to find their own unique path to wellness. Strong in the Broken Places is the harrowing story of Vennie's life, the detours that almost ended it, and the inspiring turns that saved it. The odds were stacked against him, but he was able to defy expectations and claw his way out on his own terms"--Provided by publisher.

Healthy eating habits

"Explore nutrition and healthful eating! Leveled text, colorful visual aids, and . . . photographs teach early readers about food, diet, and forming daily healthy eating habits"--Provided by publisher.

Staying safe with healthy habits

"This title explains what a virus is, what a coronavirus is, and how it spreads. The rest of the title is dedicated to explaining simple ways kids can stay healthy, like eating a nutrient-rich snack, getting lots of sleep, exercising by playing outside, and--of course--washing their hands!"--Amazon.

Being fit

An early reader’s introduction to the connections between being fit and staying healthy, benefits of aerobic exercises such as biking, nutritional concepts such as calories, and recipe instructions.

Healthy living

Provides information about a wide range of health-related topics and lifestyle issues, covering nutrition, personal care and hygiene, sexuality, physical fitness, and growth and development; and includes definitions of words and terms, lists of related books and Web sites, and an index.


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