
Topical Term

Mass media and the Supreme Court

the legacy of the Warren years

Caught in the web

When Jenny's friends start their own webcast, and it becomes popular, the Pops start a rival show and begin a ratings war, starring the Pops' fashion show against Jenny's friends' karaoke contest.

High-tech information

Presents illustrated overviews of the evolution of such technologies as cell phones, fax machines, and compact discs, each accompanied by step-by-step instructions for a related project.

Career building through podcasting

Explains what a podcast is, how to create one, and how to use podcasting to build a career, discussing examples of viral marketing success such as the "Here It Goes Again" treadmill-dancing music video by OK Go.

Communications and broadcasting

Presents the history of modern communications and broadcasting through an overview of key inventions and their inventors including, among others, the telegraph and Samuel Morse, sound recording and Thomas Edison, and television and Philo Farnsworth.


Explains the role of telecommunications in the world, showing the path of a telecommunications network, and exploring the manifestation of the phenomenon in telephones, the telegraph system, radio, television, and computer communications.

The phone book

instant communication from smoke signals to satellites and beyond--
An introduction to telephone communication, discussing the history and development of the telephone, the science behind its basic functions, and recent innovations in communications technology such as cellular phones, fax machines, and modems. Includes related activities and experiments.

Global networks

Examines developments in the world of communications technology as they relate to global networks, looking at fiber optic cables, communications satellites, mobile telephones, the Deep Space Network, the Internet, computer crime, military communications, and satellite navigation systems.

The idea factory

the Bell Labs and the great age of American innovation
Explores the accomplishments of Bell Telephone Laboratories as well as the methods they used to develop new ideas and projects.

Breakthroughs in telephone technology

from Bell to smartphones
This detailed volume examines the development of the telephone and related technologies, including everything from the transistor to fax machines, smart phones, and VoIP technology.


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