Presents information on a variety of jobs suited for those who enjoy working with the Internet, including discussion of careers in software development, Web page design, and on-line searching.
This book is an introduction to the history of the Internet and World Wide Web, including information on how they work and how they have changed the way people do research and communicate.
Examines the invention of the telephone and how it has shaped America, discussing telegraphs, sales, building networks, competition within the industry, and other related topics.
Traces the history and development of wireless communication from Marconi's invention of the telegraph in 1895 to the arrival of satellite radio in cars in 2001.
Describes advances in telecommunications over the past two hundred years, including recent developments in digital electronics, optical transmissions, communications satellites, and cable television.
a true story of inside information and corruption in the stock market
Reingold, Dan
Dan Reingold recounts his experiences as a top Wall Street analyst, his disgust with the corruption of Wall Street and corporate America since the 1990s, and his eventual disenchantment with the financial world.
Discusses the development of various means of communication, from the printed word through telegraph and telephone to radio, television, and computers, examining the technology that has made communicating easier.