harry potter

harry potter

Harry Potter

official Christmas cookbook
Celebrate Christmas like Harry, Ron, and Hermione with over 50 recipes inspired by holiday celebrations in the Harry Potter films! Filled with fan favorites like treacle tart and Yule Ball-inspired appetizers and punches to classic British dishes such as Neville Longbottom's Toad in a Hole and Bubble and Squeak, there are sweet treats, hearty entrees, and delicious drinks for every holiday time gathering, from small family dinners to parties for friends and neighbors.

Reading Harry Potter again

new critical essays
Collects nine critical essays on the novels and corresponding films of the Harry Potter saga from critics, fans, and academics; and explores themes--such as religion, morality, race, and magic--along with how J.K. Rowling's works impact twenty-first-century culture.
Cover image of Reading Harry Potter again

The magical worlds of Harry Potter

a treasury of myths, legends, and fascinating facts : updated and complete

Looking for God in Harry Potter

Examines the hidden Christian messages and symbols in the best-selling "Harry Potter" series, and explains how parents and teachers can use the books as starting points for important conversations about God, power, life, death, and good versus evil.

Harry Potter and the Bible

the menace behind the magick

Mugglenet.com's What will happen in Harry Potter 7

who lives, who dies, who falls in love, and how will the adventure finally end?
Presents the plots of the previous Harry Potter books, a personal interview with J. K. Rowling, and tips and suggestions of fans to offer speculations concerning the contents of the seventh and final volume in the series.

Mugglenet.com's Harry Potter should have died

controversial views from the #1 fan site
Presents both sides of fan debates regarding various aspects of the Harry Potter novels and movies, examining topics such as who would win in a fight, favorite characters, and predictions about the final outcome of the story.

The Ivory Tower and Harry Potter

perspectives on a literary phenomenon

The psychology of Harry Potter

an unauthorized examination of the boy who lived
A collection of essays that explore the psychological depth and complexity of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, exploring the psyche of Harry, his friends, family, enemies, and other members of the wizard and Muggle world.


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