harry potter

harry potter

Muggles and magic

J.K. Rowling and the Harry Potter phenomenon

J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels

a reader's guide
Provides brief introductions to J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels, offering a brief biography of the author, a full-length study of the novels, a summary of how the novels were received after their publication, and discussion and review questions.

Charmed knits

projects for fans of Harry Potter
Presents materials lists, step-by-step instructions, and patterns for nearly thirty knitting projects inspired by the Harry Potter books, including sweaters, socks, scarves, hats, mittens, a wizard cap and robe, a blanket, a "magic" knitting bag, Christmas ornaments, and other items.

The hidden myths in Harry Potter

Spellbinding map and Book of secrets

God, the devil, and Harry Potter

a Christian minister's defense of the beloved novels
Christian minister John Killinger addresses the many objections Christians have to the "Harry Potter" novels, arguing that the books do not teach witchcraft and the occult, but rather are a retelling of the gospels and offer important lessons on morals and the teachings of Jesus.

Reading Harry Potter

critical essays
Presents fourteen critical essays on the Harry Potter novels, discussing the stories in light of child development theories, literary and historical contexts, and morality and social values.

Harry Potter and philosophy

if Aristotle ran Hogwarts
A collection of essays in which seventeen philosophical scholars explore the hidden philosophical elements of the "Harry Potter" novels.

The magical worlds of Harry Potter

a treasury of myths, legends, and fascinating facts
Looks to mythology, folklore, and literature to investigate the sources of ideas for some of the images, characters, and themes found in J. K. Rowling's stories of fledgling wizard Harry Potter.

Mapping the world of the Sorcerer's apprentice

an unauthorized exploration of the Harry Potter series complete through book six
A collection of essays in which various science fiction and fantasy writers explore aspects of the bestselling "Harry Potter" series.

The sorcerer's companion

a guide to the magical world of Harry Potter
Explores the true history, folklore, and mythology behind the magical practices, creatures and personalities that appear in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter books.


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