Storr, Catherine

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Before the boys will let a tomboy play with them, they tell her she must prove she is a fearless boy by catching a thief. Little do they suspect she will.

Robin Hood

The complete Polly and the Wolf

A collection of stories in which the young Polly fools the wolf time and again.

The sword in the stone

Rip Van Winkle

A man who sleeps for twenty years in the Catskill Mountains wakes to a much-changed world.

The first Easter

Retells the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Noah and his ark

A retelling of the story of the Flood that lasted forty days, and the Ark on which Noah, his family, and a pair of each kind of animal took refuge.

The birth of Jesus

A simple retelling of the birth of Jesus; the visits by the shepherds and wise men; and the return of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus to Nazareth to live.

Miracles by the sea

A simple retelling of the New Testament accounts of miracles performed by Jesus Christ.

King Midas and his gold

A king who wishes for the golden touch is faced with its unfortunate consequences.


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