Storr, Catherine

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David and Goliath

A shepherd boy leads the Israelites to victory by killing the giant leader of the opposing army.

Dick Whittington

Retells the traditional tale of the poor boy in medieval England who made his fortune through his cat and became Lord Mayor of London.

Androcles and the lion

A retelling of the consequences following the meeting of Androcles, the slave, and a wounded lion.

The flying Dutchman

Retells the legend of the Dutch sea captain destined to sail forever over the seven seas unless he finds the love of a faithful girl.

Clever Polly and the stupid wolf

The wolf had made up his mind to eat Polly and tried many approaches, but he never succeeded because, when it came to brains, Polly could always get the better of him.

Moses of the bulrushes

Retells the story of Moses leading his enslaved people out of Egypt.

King Midas

A king who wishes for the golden touch is faced with its unfortunate consequences.

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

The Pied Piper pipes the village free of rats and when the villagers refuse to pay him for the service, he pipes away their children, too.

Rip Van Winkle

A man who sleeps for twenty years in the Catskill Mountains wakes to a much-changed world.

Theseus and the Minotaur

Brave Theseus sails to the island of Crete to confront the Minotaur, the horrible monster to whom Athenian youth are sacrificed every nine years.


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