Etingoff, Kim

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Navigating cyberspace

Discusses the hazards of cyberspace, what dangers to watch out for, being prepared, and more.
Cover image of Navigating cyberspace

James Cameron

from truck driver to director
A biography of director James Cameron, focusing on his successful film career.
Cover image of James Cameron

Howling at the moon

vampires & werewolves in the New World
Explores how tales of vampires and werewolves became a part of the New World as settlers and immigrants brought the myths and legends of their own cultures to North America.
Cover image of Howling at the moon

Eating out

how to order in restaurants
Explains how to find ways to enjoy eating out while making healthy choices.
Cover image of Eating out

Embarrassment, shame, and guilt

Explains how to cope with feelings of embarrassment, shame, and guilt; provides practical information covering topics that teens may be hesitant to discuss, and gives a context for feelings and relationships.

Healthy fast foods

This book helps you discover how to make better choices when it comes to fast food and how to limit calories, salt, sugar, and fat.

Building a healthy diet with the 5 food groups

To be healthy, we need to eat some foods from each of the five food groups: dairy, fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins. Learn about all five food groups and find out why each is so important to a healthy life. Discover why eating a balanced diet is one of the best ways to lose weight, stay in shape, and keep your body healthy, and how you can do just that!.

How to read food product labels

Explains how to read food labels, and how to use them to choose the best foods to eat.

Diet myths

sorting through the hype
Discusses good ways to lose weight and stay in shape.

Bully on campus & online

Examines the advent and proliferation of online bullying as well as how school campus bullying continues to be an issue for students.


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