A retelling of "Beowulf" in which Rune, raised on a farm by a wise woman after being rescued as an infant by King Beowulf, goes to the king's hall each winter for weapons training, a skill that comes in handy when a dragon awakes in the mountains.
Sixteen-year-old Hild hates the perpetual fighting between men of her kingdom and others, but when she is sent to marry a neighboring king, supposedly to ensure peace, she must tap into her own abilities with the sword and choose between loyalty and honor.
A graphic-novel adaptation of "Beowulf, " the Anglo-Saxon tale in which a Geat warrior slays a hideous monster to save the Danish people and eventually becomes a beloved king.
A prose translation of "Beowulf, " the Anglo-Saxon tale in which a Geat warrior slays a monster to save the Danish people and eventually becomes a beloved king; includes explanatory notes, genealogies, appendixes on the original manuscript, and a glossary of proper names.
Provides information about the lives of Vikings, discussing how and where they lived, farming activities, family units, slavery, the work of men and women, colonizing, and festivities.