riddles, juvenile

Topical Term
riddles, juvenile

Goofy dinosaur riddles

"What's as big as a dinosaur but doesn't weigh anything? What do you get when dinosaurs crash their cars? Find out the answers to these and many other goofy dinosaur riddles that readers can use to stump their friends and keep them asking for more!"--.

Funny food riddles

"If eggs cost $0.12 per dozen, how many can you get for a dollar? What kind of food does everyone like to hang out with? Learn the answers to these and many other funny food riddles that readers can use to stump their friends and keep them asking for more!"--.

Zany school riddles

"Why didn't a school janitor get hurt when he fell off a 20-foot ladder? At the school cafeteria, if pie costs $3 and chocolate costs $9, how much do chips cost? Learn the answers to these and many other zany school riddles that readers can use to stump their friends and keep them asking for more!"--.

Wacky animal riddles

"What hides treasure in the ground and has a bushy tail? What number of cats multiplied by any other number always gives the same answer? Discover the answers to these and many other wacky animal riddles that readers can use to stump their friends and keep them asking for more!"--.

Laugh out loud silly jokes for kids

good, clean jokes, riddles, and puns!
A collection of over one hundred jokes, riddles, and puns for children.
Cover image of Laugh out loud silly jokes for kids

Holiday jokes

Simple jokes and riddles about common holidays.

Doctor jokes

Simple jokes and riddles about doctors and the medical profession.

Animal jokes

Presents simple jokes and riddles revolving around the subject of animals.

Dinosaur jokes

Presents simple jokes and riddles revolving around the subject of dinosaurs.
Cover image of Dinosaur jokes


Presents simple riddles revolving around the a variety of subjects.


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