phonetic method

Topical Term
phonetic method

Phonics lessons

letters, words, and how they work
Volume one of a two volume set designed to help kindergarten teachers prepare phonics lessons for their students that includes lesson strategies, an assessment guide, games, templates, picture cards, letter/word cards, bibliographies, and teaching tips.
Cover image of Phonics lessons

The thing on the wing can sing

a short vowel sounds book with consonant digraphs
A short vowel sounds book, including consonant digraphs, with rhyme, repetition, illustrations, and phonics to aid learning.
Cover image of The thing on the wing can sing


Introduces the letter (3z(BS(3y (Band words containing this consonant, and focuses on what the letter (3z(BS(3y (Blooks like and how the letter (3z(BS(3y (Bsounds.
Cover image of Ss


Introduces the letter (3z(BZ(3y(B, describes the sound that the consonant (3z(BZ(3y (Bmakes, and features various words containing this last letter of the alphabet.
Cover image of Zz


Introduces the letter (3z(BQ(3y(B, features various words that contain the letter (3z(BQ(3y(B, and focuses on the sound that the consonant (3z(BQ(3y (Bmakes.
Cover image of Qq


Introduces the letter (3z(BM(3y(B, features several words that contain this letter of the alphabet, and describes the sound of the consonant (3z(BM(3y(B.
Cover image of Mm


Discusses the letter L and all of the sounds it can make, and gives examples of words, names, and sentences using the letter L.
Cover image of Ll


Discusses the letter F and all of the sounds it can make, and gives examples of words, names, and sentences using the letter F.
Cover image of Ff


Discusses the letter B and all of the sounds it can make, and gives examples of words, names, and sentences using the letter B.
Cover image of Bb

On the boat

the sound of long o
Simple text about a toy boat and repetition of the letter 'o' help readers learn how to use the 'long o' sound.
Cover image of On the boat


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