phonetic method

Topical Term
phonetic method

The nice mice in the rice

a long vowel sounds book
An illustrated collection of silly sentences introduces early readers to long vowel sounds.
Cover image of The nice mice in the rice

Stop, drop, and flop in the slop

a short vowel sounds book with consonant blends
An illustrated collection of silly sentences introduces early readers to short vowel sounds with consonant blends.
Cover image of Stop, drop, and flop in the slop

The clown in the gown drives the car with the star

a book about diphthongs and r-controlled vowels
Colorful illustrations and silly sentences introduce beginning readers to diphthongs and r-controlled vowels.
Cover image of The clown in the gown drives the car with the star

Jo Jo in outer space

Focuses on the simple word endings -er, -ed, -ly, and -y and the sight words talk and want through a story in which Jo Jo the beaver helps save a UFO and takes a trip into outer space.
Cover image of Jo Jo in outer space

The little green man visits Pine Cone Cove

Stories and pictures introduce early learners to the long "o" sounds "o-e," "oa," "ow," ending "o," and "-old.".
Cover image of The little green man visits Pine Cone Cove

The pie that Jack made

Jack plants a seed, that grows into a pumpkin, that is made into a pie.

Eight arms are great

An octopus discusses some of the reasons why it is great to have eight arms.

This little piggy

One little piggy goes shopping, one meets a bear, one eats popcorn, one curls its hair, and one has fun on a swing.

Round, the clown

A clown surrounds himself with many things that are round, until he takes a bite out of his lollipop.

Make a pizza

Describes the five steps involved in making a yummy pizza.


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