A Spanish-English, English-Spanish dictionary that contains thousands of terms including slang and provides guides to pronunciation, grammar, suffixes, and regular, irregular, and orthographic changing verbs.
A high school level dictionary with over one hundred thousand entries that provides word definitions, spellings, and pronunciations, updated to include the technical vocabulary of science and electronics.
An illustrated visual dictionary of a Plains native community that introduces the daily lives of the early Native peoples, including their homes, food, clothing, transportation, and hunting techniques.
Presents color illustrations based on topics such as plants, animals, the human body, home, musical instruments, and school, each with labels that identify pictured objects in English and Turkish.
Presents color illustrations based on topics such as plants, animals, the human body, home, musical instruments, and school, each with labels that identify pictured objects in English and Polish.
Presents color illustrations based on topics such as plants, animals, the human body, home, musical instruments, and school, each with labels that identify pictured objects in English and French.