
Topical Term

Tagalog picture dictionary

learn 1,500 Tagalog words and expressions
Bilingual picture dictionary presents English and Tagalong words on thirty-nine page spreads organized by themes, such as travel, work, getting around, and the human body.

Milet picture dictionary

Presents pictures that depict various objects and provides the object's name in both English and Bengali.

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary for children

"'Merriam-Webster's Dictionary for Children' is geared towards students ages 8-11. This two-color reference contains more than 36,000 entries as well as hundreds of black-and-white illustrations, photographs, and diagrams. The book includes paragraphs about word histories, word roots, and synonyms and guides to confused, misused, and misspelled words, capitalization, and punctuation"--Provided by publisher.

Bilingual visual dictionary

An introduction to German phrases and everyday words with illustrations and pronunciations for English-speaking students and includes German to English translations.

The young activist's dictionary of social justice

"Using simple explanations and appealing illustrations in a familiar A-to-Z format, 'The Young Activist's Dictionary of Social Justice' will teach kids the new vocabulary of change. Each beautifully designed spread represents a letter and provides concise, age-appropriate definitions for 10 or more terms, with subject matter spanning issues like racial justice, climate change, gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, income disparity, voter engagement, and immigration"--Amazon.

The biographical dictionary of popular music

from Adele to Ziggy, the real A to Z of rock and pop
Contains more than 350 alphabetically-arranged entries on artists, groups, and bands of popular music, including Adele, the Go-Go's, Nirvana, the Village People, and more.

The ultimate Spanish-English picture dictionary

"A comprehensive picture dictionary for young language learners. Here are over 700 useful words arranged into popular, everyday themes. Essential phrases and practical grammar tips accompany the young learner as they boost conversation skills and start speaking Spanish … out loud!" -- Back cover.

Notable African American writers

Provides a three volume set that examines African Americans who wrote centuries ago, as well as modern storytellers whose work reflects the changing global landscape, providing an overview and more in-depth context to the stories of over 100 acclaimed African American authors.

Civil Rights movements

past and present, volume 2
A two-volume set that contains more than 350 in-depth essays that analyze the events that have shaped American attitudes from the start of the civil rights movement into the new millennium.

Civil Rights movements

past and present, volume 1
A two-volume set that contains more than 350 in-depth essays that analyze the events that have shaped American attitudes from the start of the civil rights movement into the new millennium.


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