to 332 b.c

Geographic Name
to 332 b.c

Ancient Egyptians

Text and illustrations show what life was like in ancient Egypt, discussing the Nile, gods and goddesses, pyramids, and more.

Ancient Egypt

beyond the pyramids
Describes ancient Egypt, including its government structure, major achievements, struggles, and rise to power, as well as its lasting influences on the world.

Egyptian mummies

Illustrations and text help explain how Egyptians prepared mummies for burial.

Ancient Egypt

Presents a photo essay on ancient Egypt and the people who lived there, documented through the mummies, pottery, weapons, and other objects they left behind.
Cover image of Ancient Egypt

Nile crossing

Khepri, who lives in ancient Egypt, begins to feel nervous as he and his father travel to Thebes for Khepri's first day of scribe school.

Ralph Masiello's ancient Egypt drawing book

become an artist step-by-step
Contains step-by-step, illustrated instructions for drawing a number of ancient Egyptian objects including the Egyptian god of the dead, the pyramid of Khafre, and ancient symbols and emblems.

Living and working in Ancient Egypt

Information-packed text and full-color imagery will transport readers to ancient Egypt, as they discover what it was like to live and work in this harshly beautiful place. Readers will also gain an understanding of how environment can shape belief as they find out about the Sun god Ra and life in the desert thousands of years ago.

First Empires

Profiles ancient Greece and Egypt, exploring both society and culture as well as the myths and legends surrounding these civilizations. Includes footage of ancient sites, re-creations and reconstructions, commentary and analyses, and period imagery.

A kid's life in ancient Egypt

Explores how children lived in ancient Egypt.


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