to 332 b.c

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to 332 b.c

Ancient Egypt

An introduction to ancient Egypt that covers pyramids, artwork, jobs, food and drink, medicine, and more, and features facts and figures, a glossary, and pictures.

The Iron Tomb

"Following the various clues his uncle left behind, using the same knowledge of Ancient Egyptian history, culture, and religion he once hated, Sam makes his way across Egypt, trying to solve the mystery of his uncle's disappearance and, eventually, the secret of the Iron Tomb"--Provided by publisher.

Nile crossing

"Khepri, who lives in ancient Egypt, begins to feel nervous as he and his father travel to Thebes for Khepri's first day of scribe school"--.

The ancient Egyptians

In this striking volume, readers are transported to ancient Egypt through accessible text and gorgeous artwork.


Pharaoh of the 4th Dynasty
If not for Snefru, the first pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty, most of the massive pyramids of Egypt would not exist, and no pharaoh would have ever been buried in one.

Growing up in ancient Egypt

Describes daily life in ancient Egypt, discussing life in the city, life in the country, pets and toys, meals, and other aspects.

You wouldn't want to be a pyramid builder!

a hazardous job you'd rather not have
Describes the construction of an Egyptian pharaoh's tomb, the life and various jobs of the workers, and the burial of the pharaoh.


millennium world
In the "world of memory," Yu-Gi-Oh is 3,000 years in the past trying to stop the mad tomb-robber Bakura from killing the pharaoh and his priests.


millennium world
Yugi, finally in possession of all the Egyptian God Cards which hold the keys to unlocking his memories of his past life as an Egyptian pharaoh, uses the Millennium Eye to travel with his friends to ancient Egypt to explore his past and to fight an enemy who has been waiting for them for three thousand years.

The totally gross history of ancient Egypt

Text and illustrations introduce readers to the kinds of entertainment, diet, and medicine of ancient Egypt that could be considered "gross" today.


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