Collects essays that offer varying perspectives on issues related to video games, including what impact they have on players' health, how they affect society, and whether or not they portray minorities fairly.
Identifies obesity as a health crisis of epidemic proportions in the United States, examines the health problems associated with obesity, looks at some of the reasons why people become overweight, and discusses the problem of discrimination against people society considers too big.
Presents a comprehensive study of obesity in America, and discusses why some people overeat, health risks such as hypertension and diabetes, and ways to achieve nutritional and emotional balance.
Computer science professor Randy Pausch, who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer, discusses how to overcome obstacles in one's life and achieve one's dreams.
Describes seven habits teenagers can cultivate to help them improve their self-images, build friendships, resist peer pressure, achieve goals, get along with parents, and make other positive changes in their lives.