food supply

Topical Term
food supply

Farming and the food supply

Examines how global warming has impacted farming and the world's food supply, discussing concerns about water, soil, pests, changes in temperature and precipitation, the impact on livestock, dairy, and food production, adaptations in the agricultural sector, and other related topics.

World hunger

Presents a collection of eleven controversial essays that debate issues concerning world hunger including the effects of the free-trade policies, genetic engineering, and the history of U.S. food aid.

Starvation in Africa

Examines the problem of starvation in Africa; discussing the country's geography and history of famine, the elements that cause it, and strategies to fight it; and cites examples of twentieth and early twenty-first-century food shortages.

Science magazine's state of the planet, 2006-2007

Presents a comprehensive overview of current environmental challenges from a number of leading scientists and researchers.

Outgrowing the earth

the food security challenge in the age of falling water tables and rising temperatures
Presents an examination of the issues related to world food security, explaining how the future of reliable food sources can be outstripped by growth in population without efforts from agriculture, energy policies, and a stabilization of worldwide climate.

The war on hunger

dealing with dictators, deserts, and debt
Provides information about serious hunger, looking at some of the reasons why people do not have enough food, and tells the stories of individuals and organizations that are fighting to solve the problem in countries around the world.


Describes the causes and consequences of famines, and various ways in which the international community can lessen the impact of famines and even prevent them.


Discusses the social, political, economic, and gastronomic aspects of food in its many forms.

Hunter's stew and hangtown fry, what pioneer America ate and why

Examines the diet of nineteenth-century pioneers and the culinary innovations brought about by the hard life in the Western territories.

Feeding the world

Examines the problem of hunger in developing countries and discusses possible solutions.


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