food supply

Topical Term
food supply

A place at the table

Examines the issue of hunger in America and proposes new solutions to the problem.

Food and the city

urban agriculture and the new food revolution
Examines urban agriculture-producing and distributing food in cities--looking at this practice in London, Chicago, Cuba, Toronto, and Milwaukee.

Food politics

what everyone needs to know

Safe food

the politics of food safety

From farm to restaurant

Text and photographs describe how food is produced on farms, how food gets from the farm to a restaurant, and provides information about processing.

Stuffed and starved

the hidden battle for the world food system

From farm to restaurant

Text and photographs describe how food is produced on farms, how food gets from the farm to a restaurant, and provides information about processing.

Fed up

the high costs of cheap food
Provides a look at the lives of former African-American farmworkers who labored in central Florida's farms along the shores of Lake Apopka that had been heavy treated with pesticides, and discusses the history of Lake Apopka and the social and environmental injustice centered on food production that has taken place there.

The true cost of food

In this fascinating title, readers find out about the food supply chain, fair trade, and how our eating habits affect our health. With debate boxes and contemporary case studies, readers also discover the environmental impacts their food purchases have on the planet.


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