Orr, Tamra

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"Learn all about the history of antibiotics, from how they were first invented to how they impact our lives today."--.
Cover image of Antibiotics

Life in the Pacific Ocean

With its deep-sea trenches and ring of volcanoes, the Pacific Ocean hosts a surprising number of creatures, including flying fish, whiskery walruses, and fuzzy-clawed yeti crabs.
Cover image of Life in the Pacific Ocean

BP oil spill and energy policy

This book relays the factual details of the BP oil spill through three different perspectives.
Cover image of BP oil spill and energy policy

John Boyega

Learn about the life and accomplishments of John Boyega.
Cover image of John Boyega

Jennifer Lawrence

Chronicles the life and career of the award-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence.
Cover image of Jennifer Lawrence

We have hurricanes

Uses simple text and color photographs to explain the science behind hurricanes.
Cover image of We have hurricanes

Polar vortex and climate change

"This book relays the factual details of the 2014 polar vortex and climate change. The narrative provides multiple accounts of the event, and readers learn details through the point of view of a college student, New Yorker, and coal miner. The text offers opportunities to compare and contrast various perspectives while gathering and analyzing information about a modern event"--.
Cover image of Polar vortex and climate change

Invention of Facebook and internet privacy

This book relays the factual details of the invention of Facebook in 2004 through three different perspectives. The narrative provides multiple accounts of the event, and readers learn details through the point of view of a Harvard student, Harvard professor, and potential investor. The text offers opportunities to compare and contrast various perspectives while gathering and analyzing information about a modern event. Content focuses on point-of-view and encourages readers to understand how background and experience can lead to differing views.
Cover image of Invention of Facebook and internet privacy




An introduction to the wildlife, history, and culture of Florida.


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