Orr, Tamra

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The International Space Station

Explores the history and the people involved with the construction of the International Space Station.

Digital privacy

securing your data
This book is a crucial resource for young readers seeking to secure their data in a world where convenience and instant commerce hold pitfalls, even for digital natives.

Planet Earth discoveries

Introduces some of the scientific discoveries made by scientists in medicine, technology, archeology, and more.

Ocean discoveries

Introduces underwater discoveries that were discovered by scientists, including a fish without a face, drones exploring the ocean floor, and underwater waterfalls.

Animal discoveries

Introduces animals that were recently discovered by scientists, including a worm that spits glue, a rat with vampire teeth, and a frog you can see through.

Digital privacy

securing your data
Explains how to secure one's digital data and manage digital privacy and security.

Space discoveries

Imagine discovering new planets lightyears away or galaxies you never knew existed. Readers learn all about new and amazing space discoveries in these carefully-leveled and engaging books.
Cover image of Space discoveries


Explores Zion National Park, including how it was formed, which wildlife can be found there today, and how it is affected by environmental issues.
Cover image of Zion

Counting our people

Introduces readers to the United States census, explaining how it started, how data is collected, and what the government does with the information.
Cover image of Counting our people

Columbia Space Shuttle explosion and space exploration

"This book relays the factual details of the Columbia space shuttle explosion. The narrative provides multiple accounts of the event, and readers learn details through the point of view of a WRDY news reporter, potential future astronaut, and a family. The text offers opportunities to compare and contrast various perspectives while gathering and analyzing information about a modern event"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Columbia Space Shuttle explosion and space exploration


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