Orr, Tamra

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"Presents an overview of Thailand, touching on the country's geography, history, culture, and the people who live there"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Thailand


"Introduces young readers to the geography and culture of Iceland"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Iceland


Shows how math skills can be used to learn more about tsunamis, including the triggers, the difference from regular waves, and where they occur most often.
Cover image of Tsunamis

Forensic science investigator

Describes the tools and techniques used by forensic investigators and discusses their use in murder cases and after tragedies such as the World Trade Center attacks.
Cover image of Forensic science investigator


"Located in the western United States, Yellowstone is the country's oldest national park. It is also one of the nation's most popular tourist destinations. Find out more in Yellowstone, one of the titles in the National Parks series"--Back cover.
Cover image of Yellowstone

Extraordinary debates

A comprehensive guide to preparing for different types of debates; with tips on choosing a debate topic, constructing a solid argument, speaking skills, and avoiding common mistakes.
Cover image of Extraordinary debates

Great Hispanic-Americans

Afghan heritage

An introduction to Afghanistan, discussing its religion, holidays, daily life and more.
Cover image of Afghan heritage

Motion and forces

An exploration of motion and forces that discusses the laws of motion, experiments and controversies related to them, magnetic fields and poles, and the physics of amusement park rides.
Cover image of Motion and forces

The Jonas Brothers

Chronicles the lives and careers of the Jonas Brothers, discussing their family, rise to fame, charitable giving, and musical style.
Cover image of The Jonas Brothers


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