
Topical Term

Exploring careers in the gaming industry

Some observers describe video games as modern art museums that contain visual works, performance art, and audio. Highly skilled athletes, craftspeople, and technicians in the game industry work hard to entertain us.

Gaming careers in esports

A look at careers in competitive video gaming as players and designers.

The first-time gardener: growing plants and flowers

all the know-how you need to plant and tend outdoor areas using eco-friendly methods
"The gardening pros behind the . . . website and podcast Spoken Garden present beginner-friendly advice and know-how for growing beautiful plants and flowers"--BTCat.

Become an App inventor

the official guide from MIT App Inventor : your guide to designing, building, and sharing apps
Illustrations with step-by-step instructions feature six different projects using MIT's App Inventor website.

Learn the language of video games

The video game industry isn?t slowing down. It?s only finding new ways and platforms from which to engage users. Even the youngest elementary students now often have experience with some kinds of video games! Nonetheless, the vocabulary used to talk about video games can seem foreign and extensive. Readers are introduced to the essential terms gamers use in this helpful book.

Build your own website for beginners

A simple user-friendly book which helps complete beginners of all ages get started using the web languages, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. After finishing this book, readers will have built their own website from scratch. With step-by-step instructions at every stage and quirky illustrations throughout.

How are video games made and sold?

"A book for young readers about how video games are created and then sold to the public"--Provided by publisher.

Coding activities for building websites with HTML

"Creating a website can be loads of fun. With the use of the computer language HTML, it is possible for anyone to learn the basics and get started on the road to creating a website. The step-by-step activities in this title will help readers explore tags, color hex codes, URLs, linking webpages, and the use of graphics and photos--all of which are needed to design and craft a website. Beginners will quickly see how easy and rewarding it can be to code with these activities, which also contribute to career readiness in computer science"--.

Become an App inventor

the official guide from MIT App Inventor : your guide to designing, building, and sharing apps
Illustrations with step-by-step instructions feature six different projects using MIT's App Inventor website.

Becoming a video game designer

"A revealing guide to a career as a video game designer written by acclaimed journalist Daniel Noah Halpern and based on the real-life experiences of legendary designer Tom Cadwell of Riot Games--required reading for anyone considering a path to this profession"--Provided by publisher.


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