A guide geared toward teenagers about the design and creation of virtual worlds that covers storytelling, software, opening scenes, characters, collision detection, adding sound, credits, and more.
A guide to video game programming that includes insider tips and secrets to help programmers move beyond basic programming to completely customize and tweak any video game.
a beginner's guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and web graphics
Niederst Robbins, Jennifer
Explains how to build web pages, with text, links, images, tables, and forms using current standards including HTML5 AND CSS3, and exercises to practice various techniques.
"The growth in popularity and complexity of video games has spurred new interest in how games are developed and in the research and technology behind them. David Heineman brings together some of the most iconic, influential, and interesting voices from across the gaming industry and asks them to weigh in on the past, present, and future of video games."--Provided by publisher.
A guide to using App Inventor 2 to create Android applications that presents step-by-step instructions for a variety of projects, including creating location-aware apps, data storage, and decision-making apps.