new mexico

Geographic Name
new mexico

The farolitos of Christmas

With her father away fighting in World War II and her grandfather too sick to create the traditional luminaria, Luz helps create farolitos, little lanterns, for their Christmas celebration instead.

Josefina learns a lesson

a school story
Josefina and her sisters are happy when their T?a Dolores comes to live with them and their father, but Josefina is worried that all the changes will cause them to forget their mother.

The secret stars

In New Mexico on a rainy, icy Night of the Three Kings, Sila and Pepe worry that the kings will not be able to use the stars to navigate, so their grandmother takes them on a magical journey to see the secret stars all around them.

Ghost moon

In the late 1870s, young Jim Doolen travels to New Mexico, where he befriends Bill Bonney, who is later known as Billy the Kid, and ends up in the middle of the Lincoln County War.

Summer of fear

Soon after the arrival of cousin Julia, insidious occurrences begin that convince Rachel she is a witch and must be stopped before her total monstrous plan can be effected.

New Mexico

the land of enchantment
An introduction to the history, culture, geography, industries, wildlife, and sights of New Mexico, featuring photographs, maps, charts, and sidebars.

Just Josefina

In 1824 New Mexico, nine-year-old Josefina is happy when her grandparents and aunt come to visit, but she thinks she must choose between meeting her grandmother's expectations and being true to herself. Includes historical notes on women's rights in New Mexico in 1824 as well as a recipe for apple empanaditas.

New Mexico

Land of Enchantment
Text and illustrations present the history, geography, people, politics and government, economy, customs, and attractions of New Mexico.

The sign of the crooked arrow

The Hardy brothers interrupt their investigations of jewelry-store holdups to answer a plea from their cousin on a New Mexico cattle ranch.

The wild, wild Southwest!

Budding naturalists Lucy, Benjamin, and Gabe camp in the Gila National Forest in New Mexico, and travel to White Sands National Monument and Carlsbad Caverns, exploring their environment and becoming Junior Rangers along the way.


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