new mexico

Geographic Name
new mexico

Tortilla sun

While spending a summer in New Mexico with her grandmother, twelve-year-old Izzy makes new friends, learns to cook, and for the first time hears stories about her father, who died before she was born.

Blood Secret

Fourteen-year-old Jerry Luna, mute since her mother's disappearance, is sent to her great-great-aunt Constanza's house, where she discovers a trunk that draws her into the world of her ancestors during the Spanish Inquisition.

Kokopelli's flute

Thirteen-year-old Tepary discovers an old flute in a cliff dwelling i New Mexico, and through its power he learns about ancient Native American magic.

Meet Josefina

an American girl
Nine-year-old Josefina, the youngest of four sisters living in New Mexico in 1824, tries to help run the household after her mother dies.

Star of Luis

Just after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, a Mexican American boy goes with his mother from Los Angeles to New Mexico to meet her family for the first time, and, while there, he discovers his family's hidden Jewish heritage.

America the beautiful

Introduces New Mexico, fifth largest state in area and a land of great natural beauty, though lacking in water.

The brothers Torres

Sophomore Frankie finally finds the courage to ask his long-term friend, Julianne, to the Homecoming dance, which ultimately leads to a face-off between a tough senior whose family owns most of their small, New Mexico town, and Frankie's soccer-star older brother and his gang-member friends.

Branded outlaw

A republication of a 1938 story in which Lee Weston, wounded in a gunfight with Harvey Dodge, the man he believes responsible for his father's murder, flees to the mountains outside Pecos, New Mexico, where he is found and secretly nursed back to health by Dodge's daughter Ellen, only to earn her scorn when he insists on continuing his plan of revenge.

Death comes for the archbishop

The literal and spiritual journey of two French priests who come to the American Southwest as missionaries in the mid-1800s.

Bless me, Ultima

Six-year-old Antonio embarks upon a spiritual journey under the watchful guidance of Ultima, a healing woman, that leads him to question his faith and beliefs in family, religion, and other aspects of his Chicano culture.


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