African-American blues singer Bessie Smith single-handedly scares off Ku Klux Klan members who are trying to disrupt her show one hot July night in Concord, North Carolina.
After learning that he is going deaf, Beethoven is determined to write a great symphony and thinks he has found his inspiration in the heroic deeds of Napoleon. Includes an audio CD.
Buffy and Angel both battle the same ancient evil, a Possessor who was once Qin, First Emperor of China, and who is now attempting to usher in the Year of the Hot Devil and drive humans out of this dimension.
In Acton, Oregon, sisters Alex, Stevie, and Joey take turns telling about their lives, including auditioning for the same part in the school musical, baking contest-worthy cupcakes, and becoming obsessed with "Little Women.".
When some of the older kids get on Amar'e for not being able to dunk, he sets a goal to make that happen soon, but when Amar'e's playing time is put on hold, he'll have to come to terms with all of the other things he's been neglecting.
Camille, son of a local postman, befriends the painter Vincent van Gogh, who has come to live and work in a yellow house down the street, but not everyone is so welcoming. Includes reproductions of works by Van Gogh.
Ten-year-old Philippe becomes apprenticed as a coppersmith to his father in the Parisian foundry where the Statue of Liberty is being constructed under the direction of Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, and the ensuing years shape the rest of his life.
With his ability to travel through time by using baseball cards, Joe goes back to 1947 to meet Jackie Robinson, turning into a black boy in the process.
inspired by the life & experiments of Charles Darwin and his children
Hopkinson, Deborah
On a beautiful day, some of Charles Darwin's many children help him study humblebees (bumblebees) in the garden at their home in the English countryside.