When the son of notorious Irish pirate queen Granny O'Malley is captured by the English, Granny tries to meet with Queen Elizabeth I to negotiate for his freedom.
A Japanese American farmer recounts her agricultural successes and setbacks and her enduring love of dance. Based on the true life story of Alice Sumida, who with her husband Mark, established the largest gladiola bulb farm in the country during the last half of the twentieth century.
Captain Madsen's four children fondly recall their exciting experiences sailing with their father and mother on the bark John Ena at the turn of the twentieth century.
A collection of stories and music which describe the experiences of a pioneer girl and her family as they celebrate various Christmases In the Big Woods in Wisconsin, on the prairie in Indian Territory, and On the banks of Plum Creek.
The day before a panda arrives at the zoo from China, the other animals start acting funny. Mary-Kate and Ashley plan to find out what's behind all the monkey business at the zoo.
In the early 1900s, a wild little girl nicknamed Squirrel meets John Muir, later to become a famous naturalist, when he arrives at her parents' hotel in Yosemite Valley seeking work and knowledge about the natural world.