
Topical Term

Diary of a wombat

In his diary, a wombat describes his life of eating, sleeping, and getting to know some new human neighbors.

The journal of Augustus Pelletier

the Lewis and Clark Expedition
A fictional journal kept by twelve-year-old Augustus Pelletier, the youngest member of Lewis and Clark's Corps of Discovery.

My America: the starving time

Elizabeth's Diary Book two
Nine-year-old Elizabeth keeps a journal of her experiences in the New World as she encounters Indians, suffers hunger and the death of friends, and helps her father build their first home.

My America: westward to home

Joshua's diary:the Oregon trail, 1848.
In 1848, nine-year-old Joshua Martin McCullough writes a journal of his family's journey from Missouri to Oregon in a covered wagon.

My America: our strange new land

Elizabeth's diary: Jamestown, Virginia, 1609.
In 1609, Elizabeth Barber's family sails from Plymouth, England, to Jamestown, Virginia, establishing America's first permanent English colony. She and her family face many hardships, but they are determined to make a home in their new land.

My America: as far as I can see

Meg's diary: St. Louis to the Kansas Territory 1856
When her mother and sister fall ill, Meg and her brother Preston are sent to live with relatives on the prairie to avoid the cholera epidemic in St. Louis.

Seeds of hope

the gold rush diary of Susanna Fairchild
A diary account of fourteen-year-old Susanna Fairchild's life in 1849, when her father succumbs to gold fever on the way to establish his medical practice in Oregon after losing his wife and money on their steamship journey from New York. Includes a historical note.

West to a land of plenty

diary of Teresa Angelino Viscardi
While traveling in 1883 with her Italian American family (including a meddlesome little sister) and other immigrant pioneers to a utopian community in Idaho, fourteen-year-old Teresa keeps a diary of her experiences along the way.

My America: we are patriots

Hope's revolutionary war diary; Book two
In her diary, 10-year-old Hope writes about her life as a patriot in 1777 Philadelphia, as the Redcoats try to take over her city and defeat the Continental Army.

So far from home

diary of Mary Driscoll, an Irish mill girl
In the diary account of her journey from Ireland in 1847 and of her work in a mill in Lowell, Massachusetts, fourteen-year-old Mary reveals a great longing for her family.


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