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Royal Diaries: Lady of Ch'iao Kuo

warrior of the south: souther China, A.C. 531.
In 531 A.D., a fifteen-year-old princess of the Hsien tribe in souther China keeps a diary which describes her role as liaison between her own people and the local Chinese colonists, in times of both peace and war.

Royal Diaries: Marie Antoinette

Princess of Versailles; Austria-France, 1769.
In 1769, thirteen-year-old Maria Antonia Josepha Johanna, daughter of Empress Maria Theresa, begins a journal chronicling her life at the Austrian court and her preparations for her future role as queen of France.

Royal Diaries: Elizabeth I

Red rose of the House of Tudor, England,1544.
Elizabeth I lives with the fear of exile.

Royal Diaries: Elisabeth, the princess bride

The diary of Princess Elisabeth, written in 1853-1854, describing her engagement and marriage to her cousin Franz Joseph I. Emperor of Austria.

Ghost of fossil glen (The)

Allie knows it's not her imagination when she hears a voice and sees in her mind's eye the face of a girl who seems to be seeking Allie's help.

Lucy Rose, here's the thing about me

Eight-year-old Lucy Rose keeps a diary of her first year in Washington, D.C., her home since her parents separation, where she spends time with her grandparents, makes new friends, and longs to convince her teacher to let her take care of the class pet during a holiday.

Lucy Rose

busy like you can't believe
Fourth grader Lucy Rose learns about the perils of eavesdropping while also confiding in her diary her worries that her recently divorced mother is beginning to date.

Lucy Rose

big on plans
Lucy Rose records in her diary her special summer plans--to make a keychain for her mother, to help decorate the living room, to prevent her parents' divorce, to vanquish some squirrels, and to enjoy a ninth birthday adventure with her father.

Anne Elizabeth's diary

a young artist's true story
Presents a selection of writings and drawings from the diary of Anne Elizabeth Rector, a twelve-year-old girl who lived in New York City in 1912, and includes sidebars that describe Rector's life and family, as well as notable people, places, and events of the time.

The totally made-up Civil War diary of Amanda MacLeish

While dealing with her parents' separation and her best friend's distance, Amanda is able to work out some of her anxiety through her fifth-grade project--writing a diary from the point of view of a ten-year-old girl whose brothers fight on opposite sides in the Civil War.


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