Reveals how developments in the cutting-edge science of population genetics have made it possible to link every human on earth back to one man who lived in Africa more than six thousand years ago.
searching for what makes us human, in rainforests, labs, sanctuaries, and zoos
Cohen, Jon
Reports on what researchers have learned about the blood, brains, and bodies of chimpanzees, highlighting areas in which they differ and are similar to humans.
When thirteen-year-old Bertram and three friends find themselves living in dinosaur bodies sixty-seven million years ago, they discover new ways to think about their lives.
A presentation of dinosaurs as they are viewed by paleontologists, using up-to-date methods to discuss what dinosaurs were, what they did, and how they did it, and studying the dinosaur in relation to the fuller concept of natural history.
Takes a historic look back in time and a glimpse into an uncertain future. This National Geographical special invites you to see the world through your eyes and explore the epic adventure of life through time, for it is the measure of the universe.