An illustrated, abridged version of the sixth edition of Darwin's classic work on evolution, with commentary that relates Darwin's hypotheses to recent advances in knowledge.
Text about and photography of experiments, animals, plants, bones, and fossils reveal the ideas and discoveries that have changed our understanding of the natural world and how life began.
Examines the Scopes trial concerning the teaching of evolution in public schools, its outcome, and the implications for the continuing debate between evolutionists and creationists.
Provides information on the career of paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson, known for his 1974 discovery of "Lucy" the oldest, best preserved skeleton of any erect-walking human ever found; answers questions about human origins; and includes photographs and profiles of over fifty of the most significant early human fossils.
Dramatizes the events of the so-called Monkey Trial of 1925, when the state of Tennessee filed suit against high school biology teacher John Scopes for illegally teaching the theory of evolution.