arctic regions

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arctic regions

Saving the Arctic

"Discover how changes in the Arctic ecosystem and melting polar ice affect the entire earth"--Amazon.
Cover image of Saving the Arctic

My home on the ice

Photographs and poetry introduce readers to different animals that live in frozen homes.
Cover image of My home on the ice

Search for the Northwest Passage

An obsession for hundreds of years, the search for the fabled Northwest Passage from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific is a tale of ambition, fear, folktales, courage, and controversy. This engaging title reveals the motivations of the many countries and explorers who played a part in the almost 500-year search for a commercial sea route to India across the arctic. Primary and secondary source materials, such as oral histories of the Indigenous people and recorded accounts, are examined, as well as fictional accounts from popular culture of the many failed expeditions. Readers will gain an understanding of how important this quest was, as well as how it remains relevant today.
Cover image of Search for the Northwest Passage

Arctic research journal

"Follow along as a researcher observes and makes journal entries about their field trip through the Arctic ecosystem. ... photographs highlight the animals, plants, and people that inhabit the frozen top of the world in Canada and the United States. ... graphs show how much the Arctic has changed, and the final report describes efforts being made to preserve it" --Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Arctic research journal

Arctic foxes

Introduction to the characteristics and behavior of Arctic foxes.

Expedition to the Arctic

Examines the exploration of the Arctic, the lives that were lost, and who really reached the North Pole first.
Cover image of Expedition to the Arctic

Out of the ice

how climate change is revealing the past
As the Earth's climate continues to warm, a treasury of preserved material, from human and animal remains to ancient tools are being revealed by the big melt. It's a race against time for archaeologists!.
Cover image of Out of the ice

Growing up Arctic

Explores the lives of polar bears, walruses and seals as they journey from childhood to adulthood.

The Arctic habitat

Introduces the concept of a habitat, provides a description of an arctic habitat, looks at arctic weather, and discusses the types of plants and animals found in the arctic and how they survive.

Arctic wolves of the tundra

Describes the Arctic wolf and how it survives in the tundra with its thick coat, short ears, keen sense of smell, pack nature, and ability to howl.


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