arctic regions

Topical Term
arctic regions

The great northern kingdom

life in the boreal forest
Photographs and text explore the life cycles of many of the animals and plants that live in the rigorous climate of the great northern forest and explains how they have adapted to the region's climate.
Cover image of The great northern kingdom


a novel
An experiment turns dangerous when a team of scientists becomes trapped on an Arctic icefield where sixty powerful explosives, all set to detonate at midnight, are planted.
Cover image of Icebound

Arctic tern migration

Arctic terns travel 44,000 miles every year - the longest animal migration in the world! From pole to pole and back again, these flying machines zigzag across the world to follow the summer.
Cover image of Arctic tern migration

Expedition to the Arctic

Examines the exploration of the Arctic, the lives that were lost, and who really reached the North Pole first.

The bear report

Sophie is uninterested in writing a research report on polar bears until a polar bear named Olafur swoops her away to the Arctic, where she learns all about the playful bear's habits and habitat, from glacier mice to Northern Lights.

El ha?bitat del A?rtico

Photographs, illustrations, and simple text describe the various plants and animals that live in the Arctic regions.

The Arctic

Simple text and colorful illustrations introduce early readers to the animals and other sights of the Arctic environment.

Arctic wolves

Photographs and simple text describe the tundra habitat, physical characteristics, behaviors, and diets of Arctic wolves.


Fourteen-year-old Sig is stranded at a remote cabin in the Arctic wilderness with his father, who died just hours earlier after falling through the ice, when a terrifying man arrives, claiming Sig's father owes him a share of a horde of stolen gold and that he will kill Sig if he does not get his money.

Who lives on the cold, icy tundra?

Provides an introduction to the tundra, including information on the animals that live there.


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