frank, anne

frank, anne

Anne Frank

When she turned thirteen years old, Anne received a gift that would change her life: a personal diary. In it, she expressed her desires, fears and hopes while living in confinement with her family during World War II. After the war, despite her early death, her diary became a shocking testimony about the persecution of Jewish people, and an invaluable contribution to the fight for human rights.
Cover image of Anne Frank

Anne frank

In 1942, a young Jewish girl named Anne Frank received a diary from her parents for her thirteenth birthday. Today, millions of people have read the compelling, heartfelt diary entries Frank recorded while living in hiding to escape Nazi persecution.
Cover image of Anne frank

The diary of Anne Frank

50th Anniversary Edition of George Stevens' Production
An extraordinary portrayal of humanity set during one of history's most inhumane periods. Features Millie Perkins as the insightful 13 year old biographer of her family's two-year hiding in an Amsterdam attic. At first, the strong-willed teenager embraces her fugitive lifestyle as an adventure. But in time, the ever-increasing fear of discovery and close quarters prove nearly unbearable for the eight personalities in hiding.

Children in the Holocaust

Presents true accounts of children who lived during the Holocaust.

Anne Frank

"Presents information about Anne Frank, including her childhood in Holland, her years in hiding, her death, and her legacy"--OCLC.

Anne Frank

get to know the girl beyond her diary
Presents a brief biography of Anne Frank who shortly after her thirteenth birthday was forced into hiding with her family, as the German Nazis were rounding up Jewish people and killing them or sending them to work in horrible camps.
Cover image of Anne Frank

Anne Frank

young diarist
Documents the life of Anne Frank, including her childhood, time in hiding, and the time she spent in a Nazi concentration camp, before her death and the release of her diary which became world famous.

Anne Frank

Una luz en la oscuridad
An examination of the life of Anne Frank and the time in which she lived.
Cover image of Anne Frank

Anne Frank's diary

the graphic adaptation
A comic adaptation of the diary penned by Anne Frank, a girl whose family was in hiding from the Nazis.
Cover image of Anne Frank's diary

Stolen secrets

"After an abrupt move across the country to San Francisco, sixteen-year-old Livvy is shocked to find that her mother has lied to her. Instead of looking for work at a bakery, her mom is taking care of Adelle, Livvy's grandmother, who Livvy thought was long dead. Suffering from Alzheimer's, Adelle shouts out startling details, mistakes her own name, and seems to relive moments that may have taken place in a concentration camp. When Livvy and her new friend Franklin D. find journal entries from the Holocaust in Adelle's home, Livvy begins to suspect that her grandmother may have a shocking link to a notable figure--Anne Frank"
Cover image of Stolen secrets


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