frank, anne

frank, anne

Anne Frank :MISSING

child of the Holocaust
This is a biography of the thirteen-year-old Jewish girl whose diary, published after her death in a Nazi concentration camp, made her famous all over the world.

Anne Frank in her own words

Presents a biographical look at the short life of Anne Frank including her birth in Frankfurt, Germany, her family's stay in hiding to avoid the Nazi's, and her legacy through the diary she kept while in hiding.

They spoke out

American voices against the Holocaust 1938-1945

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Ana Frank
A biography of Dutch Jewish girl Anne Frank, who became famous for the diary she wrote while in hiding from the Nazis during the Holocaust.

The tree in the courtyard

looking through Anne Frank's window
"The story of the tree outside of Anne Frank's window"--Provided by publisher.

Anne Frank

Explores the life of Anne Frank and provides an overview of her achievements. Includes online content that contains weblinks, audio and video clips, activities, and other features.

Anne Frank

the biography
Presents a biography of Anne Frank utilizing sources beyond her famous diary--even five missing pages from it only discovered in the 1990s. Included are letters sent to American family members by Otto, Anne's father, as well as clues to the identity of those German citizens who betrayed the location of the Franks to the Nazis.

Ana Frank

A graphic novel depiction of the life of Anne Frank, describing her years of hiding from the Nazis, her death in a concentration camp, and the survival of her diary.

Anne Frank

reflections on her life and legacy
A collection of articles and memoirs that provide insight into the life, death, and legacy of Anne Frank, a young Holocaust victim whose diary provided first-hand information about her family's experiences hiding from the Nazis.

Anne Frank and the children of the Holocaust

Explores the life of Anne Frank and other children affected by the Holocaust, including personal accounts, journal entries, interviews, and photographs.


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