Freedman, Claire

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Dragon jelly

"Max is having a monster party. They play all sorts of yucky games then cool down in a fruitbat drool paddling pool! Then it's tea-time, with termite tarts, ear-wig rolls and eyeball birthday cake. But the real treat is the red-hot dragon jelly!"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Dragon jelly

Beep beep beep

time for sleep!
A group of tired trucks and machines get ready for bedtime after a long day at a building site.
Cover image of Beep beep beep

Good Night, Sleep Tight

While babysitting, Grandma tries several ways to get Archie to feel sleepy but nothing works until she remembers how she used to put his mother to bed when she was a little girl.
Cover image of Good Night, Sleep Tight

Aliens love underpants

Colorful illustrations and rhyming text tell a humorous story about aliens who come to Earth in search of underpants.
Cover image of Aliens love underpants

Aliens in underpants save the world

Aliens in underpants are on a mission to save the world.

Aliens in underpants save the world

The aliens in underpants save the Earth from a meteor.

Monsters love underpants

Monsters of all shapes and sizes, from all parts of the world and beyond, love one thing more than being scary, and that is a fancy pair of underpants.

Scaredy Boo!

A little monster named Scaredy Boo is so afraid of everything that he never comes out from under the bed until another monster convinces him to try it.

Dilly duckling

A silly duckling sees one of her feathers fall out and chases after it, only to learn that she will lose all of her downy feathers before her grown-up feathers appear.

Little Bear's Special Friend


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