Freedman, Claire

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One magical day

From the dawn's first light to the full moon's gleam, animals enjoy a wonderful summer day.

Snuggle up, sleepy ones

As night falls in the jungle, all sorts of animals settle down to sleep.

A magical Christmas

Little Mouse asks the other mice what they love best about Christmas so that he can have a better understanding of what is so magical about the holiday.

One winter's night

One night, in the depths of a harsh winter, Fox, Mouse, and Hare are moved to do their best with the little they have to help a cold and hungry badger.

Dinosaurs love underpants

Illustrations and rhyming text reveal the Underpants War as the reason dinosaurs became extinct.

Gooseberry Goose

As Gooseberry Goose practices flying on a beautiful fall morning, his friends are preparing for winter, causing Gooseberry to wonder if there is something else he should be doing.

When we're together

A young rabbit celebrates the simple pleasures of time spent together with family and friends.

Good night, sleep tight

While babysitting, Grandma tries several ways to get Archie to feel sleepy but nothing works until she remembers how she used to put his mother to bed when she was a little girl.


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