Turnbull, Stephanie

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Caterpillars and Butterflies

Looking good

style secrets for girls
"Perfect for girls that are interested in the style secrets for looking and feeling their best. Topics include body basics, hair care, finding a unique style, thinking positive, and feeling happy. This book gives the advice and inspiration for girls to look and feel fantastic"--Provided by publisher.

Diaries and keepsakes

style secrets for girls
"A fun magazine-like book for preteen and teen girls on crafty ways to make and keep memories of events. Includes information on decorating, writing in, and hiding a private diary. Also includes idea for using photos to create scrapbooks and other photo keepsakes, such as mugs"--Provided by publisher.


style secrets for girls
Students explore the world of accessories as they learn about fashions from the past and trends for the future. Step-by-step DIY projects include making necklaces, earrings, bracelets, bows, and scarves. Students will accessorize in style and learn how to make each accessory work together to form the perfect outfits. RI: Multiple POV; peer insights, sources, mulitple reading levels, labelled diagrams step-by-step activites, bolded text works, Chapter summaries, graphic - text ties, etc. RF: Boxed information, text structures mimicking magazine and advice columns, Did You Know? boxes, RW: Fact summaries, and "for the reader" supportive audience specific writing, Multiple POV, Inquiry, "experience driven" writing, Q&A format,SL Did you Know, Expositional self reflection opportunities, critical thinking activities, L Scaled text complexity,.

Vanishing tricks

"Teaches how to make everyday objects vanish and reappear using techniques like the paddle move and palming. Includes step-by-step instructions, picture diagrams, and performance tips" --Provided by publisher.

Prop tricks

With step-by-step instructions, picture diagrams, and performance tips, this book presents ideas for performing prop tricks using items such as scarves, rope, balloons, drinking straws, paper, and magic wands.

Mind-Reading Tricks

"Reveals the secrets of magic and teaches the skills needed to perform several card, mathematical, and general mind-reading tricks. Includes step-by-step instructions, picture diagrams and performance tips" --Provided by publisher.

Incredible illusions

With step-by-step instructions, picture diagrams, and performance tips, this book reveals the secrets of famous illusions and teaches the skills needed to perform illusions such as spoon-bending and levitation.

Close-up tricks

With step-by-step instructions, picture diagrams, and performance tips, this book explains how you can make a glass seem to melt through a table, perform the famous cup and ball trick, make coins disappear, and much more.

Card Tricks

Astound your friends with this dazzling collection of card tricks. Easy-to-follow instructions explain how to find hidden cards, reveal four aces in a row, make a chosen card jump out of the pack and much, much more.


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