christian pilgrims and pilgrimages

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christian pilgrims and pilgrimages

Canterbury tales and other poems

A collection of English translations of the poems of Geoffrey Chaucer.

The pilgrim's progress

from this world to that which is to come
Depicts the journey of Christian and his companions through mortal life to their entrance into the Celestial City.
Cover image of The pilgrim's progress

The pilgrim's progress

Depicts the journey of Christian and his companions through mortal life to their entrance into the Celestial City.

The Canterbury tales

a selection
An annotated selection from Geoffrey Chaucer's medieval classic, "The Canterbury Tales," a series of stories narrated by pilgrims on their way to the shrine of Saint Thomas a Becket in Canterbury Cathedral.

The pilgrim journey

a history of pilgrimage in the Western world
"... tells the fascinating story of sacred travel in the West over the course of two millennia: how pilgrimage was born and grew in antiquity, how it blossomed in the Middle Ages and faltered in subsequent centuries, only to reemerge stronger than before in modern times. It describes the pilgrim routes and sacred destinations past and present, the men and women making the journey, the many challeges of travel, and the spiritual motivations and rewards. And it explores the traditional stages of pilgrimage, from preparation, departure, and the time on the road, to the arrival at the shrine and the return home."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of The pilgrim journey

The Canterbury tales

Contains animated, modern English adaptations of four of the "Canterbury Tales," a series of stories shared by pilgrims on their return journey from the shrine of St. Thomas Becket, including "The Squire's Tale," "The Canon's Servant's Tale," "The Miller's Tale," and "The Reeve's Tale.".

The Canterbury tales

Contains animated, modern English adaptations of three of the "Canterbury Tales," a series of stories shared by pilgrims as they travel to the shrine of St. Thomas Becket, including "The Nun's Priest's Tale," "The Knight's Tale," and "The Wife of Bath's Tale.".


travels among the tombs of the twelve
"Explores the mysterious and often paradoxical lives and legacies of the Twelve Apostles."--Dust jacket.

The Canterbury tales

nine tales and the general prologue : authoritative text, sources and backgrounds, criticism
Short selection from the Canterbury Tales--a group of stories told by pilgrims on their way to Canterbury Catherdral--in the original Middle English with definitions, followed by essays on the background of each story, plus criticisms of the texts.


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