christian pilgrims and pilgrimages

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christian pilgrims and pilgrimages

The pilgrim's progress

A religious allegory which follows the trials and tribulations of Christian as he journeys to the Celestial City, and looks at the fate of his wife, Christiana, and their children--left behind when he began his quest.

Canterbury tales

A company of thirty-one pilgrims tell their stories on the way to the shrine of St. Thomas at Canterbury. Text is in Middle English and includes definitions, an introduction, and notes on pronunciation, grammar, and versification.

The Canterbury tales

An illustrated retelling of seven of the Canterbury Tales including the "The Nun's Priest's Tale," "The Pardoner's Tale," "The Wife of Bath's Tale," "The Franklin's Tale," "The Knight's Tale," "The Miller's Tale," and "The Reeve's Tale.".

The Canterbury tales

A graphic novel adaptation in updated language of Geoffrey Chaucer's epic "The Canterbury Tales," which relates the stories of various people making a pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral and sharing stories to pass the time.

Los cuentos de Canterbury (selecci?n)

A group of pilgrims tell their stories on the way to Canterbury Cathedral.

The Canterbury tales

The noble Knight, the tipsy Miller, the hypocritical Pardoner, the randy Wife of Bath, and other pilgrims trade stories on their way to the shrine of St. Thomas a Beckett at Canterbury.

Life on a medieval pilgrimage

Describes the daily life of pilgrims in the Middle Ages, analyzing why they went on pilgrimages and what they hoped to accomplish.

Chaucer's Canterbury Tales

A retelling of Geoffrey Chaucer's famous work in which a group of pilgrims in fourteenth-century England tell each other stories as they travel on a pilgrimage to the cathedral at Canterbury.

Canterbury tales

A prose retelling of four tales from Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales," in which travelers on a pilgrimage to Canterbury in the Middle Ages share their stories.


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