A comprehensive introduction to peer pressure and bullying for teenagers that describes different forms of peer pressure and bullying and discusses how to tell when someone is being pressured or bullied, the mental and emotional impact for the victim, available treatment, and related topics.
Every day, teenagers are faced with millions of choices regarding their health, relationships, and life goals. This program focuses on the decisions kids make every day and highlights methods geared toward making the best ones possible.
Ava's plan for surviving senior year at her new school: fly under the radar until graduation. No boys. No attachments. No drama. But all that goes out the window when she gets drafted into the Prom Bowl.
Provides teens with a close up look at the ramifications of alcohol and drug usage. In a hospital setting, teens learn the life-threatening consequences of drug abuse.
Provides background on author Robert Cormier and the influences that shaped his life, features eleven articles that explore peer pressure as portrayed in his novel "The Chocolate War," and examines contemporary perspectives on peer pressure.
Contains two dramatized vignettes that provide examples of the types of problems teens can encounter due to peer pressure, the first involving a demand to fix an athlete's failing grades, and the other shoplifting.
Describes the drugs most commonly abused by teens, including cigarettes and alcohol, and offers guidelines on how to resist peer pressure, help friends who have become addicted, and seek help for oneself.