A collection of personal narratives that explore the most pressing issues surrounding cliques, focusing on how belong to, or being ignored by, a social clique can have a positive and negative impact on students.
Discusses different kinds of sexual pressure and considers ways young people can negotiate with their partners and determine their own values and ethics regarding sex.
Provides information designed to help young people make smart choices when deciding whether or not to use cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol; discussing options, potential consequences, and opportunities for growth.
Discusses different kinds of pressures exerted on young people by their peers, looks at the effects of peer pressure, and consider ways to handle the problem.
Provides background on author Robert Cormier and the influences that shaped his life, features eleven articles that explore peer pressure as portrayed in his novel "The Chocolate War," and examines contemporary perspectives on peer pressure.
A comprehensive introduction to peer pressure and bullying for teenagers that describes different forms of peer pressure and bullying and discusses how to tell when someone is being pressured or bullied, the mental and emotional impact for the victim, available treatment, and related topics.