industrial revolution

Topical Term
industrial revolution

Development of the industrial U.S

Presents a comprehensive reference library cumulative index to the Development of the Industrial U.S.

The Industrial Revolution

investigate how science and technology changed the world
An exploration of the Industrial Revolution that introduces individuals who led the revolution, looks at the impact of their innovations, and features twenty-five activities designed to help children understand how science and technology transformed society.

The most powerful idea in the world

a story of steam, industry, and invention

The industrial revolution

Presents basic information on the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain and includes discussions on trade unions, railroads, and advances in communications.

The industrial revolution in America

Examines how and why the United States developed from an agricultural society into an industrial power and the impact this transformation had on the lives of Americans.

The industrial revolution

A comprehensive overview of world history that describes people, places, and events that occurred between the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries, including the invention of the steam engine and the founding of the Carnegie Steel Company.

A historical atlas of the Industrial Age and the growth of America's cities

Presents an historical atlas of the Industrial Age and Urban America, and discusses westward expansion, reform movements, the Progressive era, and the age of Jazz in the early 1920s.

The industrial revolution

In the early years of the nineteenth century American society as well as the societies of the European nations were agrarianpeople made their livings as farmers. Inventors would soon step forward, developing engines and ways to power them that would provide the framework for an industrialized society. By the dawn of the twentieth century, most cities in America and Europe had developed into industrial centers where cars and ships were manufactured, steel was produced and factories churned out consumer products.

The industrial revolution in world history

Traces the Industrial Revolution--what happened and how it affected society--in various places around the world from 1760 through the 1990s.

The industrial revolution

A brief analysis of the rise of the Industrial Age in Great Britain and America, discussing such topics as immigrant and slave labor, child labor laws, and labor unions.


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