industrial revolution

Topical Term
industrial revolution

Industrial giants

Provides information about the Industrial Revolution in the U.S. and introduces four men who contributed to or took advantage of the new technologies, including Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, and Henry Ford.

Engines of change

the American industrial revolution, 1790-1860
Contains photographs, drawings, and maps that depict the physical survivals of technologies of the American industrial revolution, most of which are displayed in the Smithsonian Institution; and includes text that explains the technology and related aspects of the era.

The industrial revolution in America

a primary source history of America's transformation into an industrial society
Uses primary source documents, narrative, and illustrations to recount the history of the industrial revolution in the United States, as society changed from reliance on agriculture and trade to modern manufacture.

Industrialization and Empire, 1783 to 1914

Discusses the history of humankind from the time of the American Revolutionary War to the outbreak of World War I.

The signature of all things

a novel
Alma, born into luxury in 1800, becomes a gifted botanist like others in her family, but as she delves into the mysteries of evolution she falls in love with a man who pulls her in the opposite direction, into the realm of the spiritual, the divine, and the magical.

Timeline of the Industrial Revolution

Readers will trace the process of change, learning why it happened and its wider effects.

World eras

Examines how Europe flourished during the Industrial Revolution, from 1750 to 1914, discussing how European geography, politics, culture, arts, recreation, social class system, economy, and daily life changed during the era.

Iron Bridge to Crystal Palace

impact and images of the Industrial Revolution


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